Conference Presentations

Gao, X., & Richardson, B. (2024). Identifying risk factors for substance abuse: Practical insights from the TIEH project's baseline measurement: A data-driven study. [Poster Presentation]. 2024 American Public Health Association [APHA] Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

Gao, X., & Richardson, B. (2024). Using measures of community collaboration to strengthen public health interventions. [Paper Presentation]. 2024 Public Health Conference of Iowa Annual Conference, Des Moines, IA, United States.

Gao, X., & Richardson, B. (2024). Improving healthy equity through more accurate assessments of disparities. [Paper Presentation]. 2024 Public Health Conference of Iowa Annual Conference, Des Moines, IA, United States.

Gao, X., & Richardson, B. (2023). Validation of the VI-SPDAT (version 3) Instrument: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis. [Poster Presentation]. 2023 American Evaluation Association [AEA] Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN, United States.

Gao, X., Sivo, S., Hahs-Vaughn, D., Bai, H. (2023). A Simulation Study to Compare the Sensitivity of Goodness of Fit Indices of Measurement Invariance: Partial Replication of Khojasteh & Lo (2015). [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

Gao, X. & Campbell, L. O. (2023). A Meta-Analysis of Teachers' Knowledge After Attending STEM Professional Development Programs. [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

Gao, X., Paul, M., Caines, L. K. & DeStefano, C. (2022). Investigating the impact of instructional modality change on student learning motivation due to COVID-19 [Paper presentation]. American Evaluation Association [AEA] Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Gao, X. (2022). What affects students’ PISA test performance: A multiple linear regression analysis [Paper presentation].  American Evaluation Association [AEA] Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States.

Hilaire, B., Campbell, L. O., & Gao, X. (2022). Promoting Social-Emotional Learning in Physical and Virtual Spaces [Paper presentation]. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education [SITE] 33rd International Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, United States.

DeStefano, C., Gao, X., Paul, M., & Caines, L. K. (2022). Projecting the impact of remote instruction during COVID-19 pandemic on academic outcome: a meta-analysis [Paper presentation]. Eastern Educational Research Association [EERA] 45th Annual Conference, Clearwater, FL, United States.

Gao, X., Howard, C., & Campbell, L. O. (2021). Computer-based supplemental reading instruction: Profiles of teachers’ use. [Poster presentation]. American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Conference, online.

Campbell, L.O., Hilaire, B., Gao, X., Jones, J., Laguardia, E. & Heller, S. (2021). Beyond the Mask: Examining Affect and Effects. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education [SITE] 32nd International Conference, online.

Gao, X. (2021). A comparison of six DIF detection methods. [Paper Presentation] American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Conference, online.